Bias & Filters
The Optimism Bias & How It Primes Us For Disappointment
By Tali Sharot

Negativity Bias: Why We Focus So Much On What's Going Wrong
By Steven Kotler, John Tierney, Roy Baumeister, Sci Show, Marie Forleo, Steven Pinker & Rick Hanson

The Halo Effect: When We're Being Positively Biased
By Blinkist & Outsmarting Implicit Bias

Status Quo Bias: Why We Resist Change
By Bryan Callen Show, Team W & Cardiff University

Confirmation Bias: How We Find Validation For Our Beliefs
By Heidi Grant, Bellarmine Studios, Bo Bennett & Thought Monkey
The Invisible Gorilla Experiment: What We See & What We Miss
By Christopher Chabris & Daniel Simons
What Our Brains Filter When We Are In Positive Emotional States
By Richard Wiseman, Christine Carter & Eric Karpinski
The Brain's "RAS": Why We Notice What We Notice
By Mel Robbins

Beliefs, Patterns & Perspectives
By People Vs The State Of Illusion
Films & Trailers
Bias, A Class Divide & The Unstereotype Experiment
Tips & Webisodes
By PBS, Nerd Writer, Google, Sentis & Joe Scott
Thrive Global
This Nobel Prize-Winning Psychologist Reveals the Cognitive Biases that Lead to Bad Decisions.
Business Insider
Your brain tries to hijack every decision you make — but you can fight back
Bobby Duffy
How we can challenge our own negativity bias

Book Extracts
"I Think I Would Have Seen That"
Taken from The Invisible Gorilla, by Christopher Chabris & Daniel Simons.
A Glass Forever Half Full?
Taken from The Optimism Bias, by Tali Sharot.
The Negativity Effect
Taken from The Power Of Bad, by John Tierney & Roy F. Baumeister.
Sticks Are Stronger Than Carrots
Taken from Buddha’s Brain, by Rick Hanson, PhD.