"The difference isn't resources. It's attitude."
Malcolm Gladwell
Chaos, Mishaps & Finding The Gifts In “Messy” Situations
By Tim Harford

Embracing Our “Shakes” When “Creativity Sucks”
By Phil Hansen

A Stoic Approach To Seeing Obstacles As Opportunities
By Ryan Holiday

"The enemy of art is the absence of limitations."
Being Resourceful With A “Stretching” Mindset
By Scott Sonenshein
Rethinking Constraints With "Can-If Thinking"
By A Beautiful Constraint
Seeing the Advantages Of Being The Underdog
By Malcolm Gladwell
The Laws Of Subtraction & Why Intelligent Constraints Drive Creativity
By Matthew May
Tapping Into Our Biggest Resource: Ourselves
By Tony Robbins & Evan Carmichael

Tips & Webisodes
By TED-Ed & BBC Reel
Clips & Interviews
By Seth Godin, Eatbigfish, CBS, Janna Levin & Christopher Cox
Podcast Clips
Seth Godin
How Applying Constraints Helped R.E.M. Create One of the Decade’s Best-Selling Albums
Audio Books
More Than The Big Toe
Taken from Creativity Sucks, by Phil Hansen.
Book Extracts
"It Was Unplayable"
Taken from Messy, by Tim Harford.
A Tale of Two Beers
Taken from Stretch, by Scott Sonenshein.
Taken from David And Goliath, by Malcolm Gladwell.
Victim, Neutralizer & Transformer
Taken from A Beautiful Constraint, by Adam Morgan and Mark Barden.
Why Subtraction?
Taken from The Laws Of Subtraction, by Matthew E. May.
The Creativity Problem
Taken from Creativity From Constraints, by Patricia D. Stokes.