What's this all about?
Curist is a wellness directory.
It’s aim is to provide a central place for people to find “Curists”.
Who or what are Curists? Curists are individuals or businesses that facilitate mental, emotional and physical cures via their products and services.
They can be energy healers, therapists, personal trainers, life coaches, yoga teachers, holistic clinics, educators, trainers, workshop facilitators, event organisers or retailers.
All that matters is that they contibute in some way to the wellbeing of others.
Curism is a library of curated wisdom, sourced via the world’s top experts & thinkers.
It’s home to 6,500+ articles, interviews, clips, talks, films, book extracts, podcasts & instructionals on an extensive list of wellness-oriented topics.
150+ sections cover a diverse range of psychology, philosophy & well-being subjects, including: Addiction, Attachment, Depression, Emotional Literacy, Growth Mindset, Intrinsic Motivation, Meditation, Post-Traumatic Growth, Problem-Solving, Purpose & Self-Reliance.
These feature the ideas of 600+ experts & thinkers, including: Brené Brown, James Clear, Angela Duckworth, Carol Dweck, Adam Grant, Malcolm Gladwell, Seth Godin, Robert Greene, Ryan Holiday, Gabor Maté, Cal Newport, Dan Pink, Martin Seligman & Philip Zimbardo.
Curism and Curist are for anyone who wants to feel better.
Feeling better means something different for everyone, as we all grapple with different issues at different times.
For some of us, it might be procrastination, for another it might be aimlessness, for another it might be addiction.
The Curism library covers all these subject areas and more.
And, the idea is that Curist will be a destination to connect with those who can facilitate healing or training in all these areas, too – if and when anyone needs it.
My name is Rachel and I am the creator of Curist and Curism.
Curism came first, beginning in 2015 as a kind of digital scrapbook.
I was working with an alternative healing practitioner, following a rather spectacular breakdown, and I needed a way to stay engaged with the process in between therapy sessions.
So, I would watch talks, interviews, and documentaries, read articles and book extracts, listen to podcasts and follow instructionals.
There were too many to bookmark and I needed a home for all of the information I was finding, so I began to organise it all. And Curism was born.
Curism grew as I did. Every time I came across a new issue or idea, a new page was created – whether it was on creative blocks, transference or the benefits of walking.
Curist came about as I wanted to enable anyone interested in the areas I had collected information on – whether it was diet, depression or discipline – to find local people, places and events related to that. So they could do more than just learn; they could take action, too.
And that is why the aim is to make Curist as broad as Curism.
“Wellness” is a gigantic subject area, when you drill down into it, and there are so many different ways to get there.
Many things have contributed to my wellness: therapy sessions, family, having a creative outlet, purpose, structure and routine, journalling, exercise and dietary changes to name a few.
In the same way, many “Curists” have contributed, too: I have worked with a psychotherapist, counsellor, multiple energy healers, shamanic healers and EFT practitioners, a homeopath, kinesiologist, a transformational life coach and a personal trainer, again, to name a few.
So what do I hope to achieve with these sites?
My hope is that the very thing that helped me stick with therapy, self-development and the path to wellness – Curism – will help others in the same way…
… and that I can give people access not only to the information they need, but the people, places, products and events they might need, too.